The Charming-Yet-Infrequent Newsletter- November Edition!

Stuff to Share

  • The Award

  • My Halloween Costume

  • Making Spinach- Things We’re Trying

  • From Way Back in The Archives

  • The Dog Does Chores


Courage From A Can

This September I left the National Cartoonists Society weekend with this big hunk of bronze. It’s the Elzie Segar Award for Outstanding Contribution to the field of comics, named after the creator of Popeye. It was a real honor. Less than a week later, I learned that Rhymes With Orange lost a hunk of newspapers (and revenue) when Gannett Newspaper Group decided all their comics pages should be the same across the country. Their tastes were very male and mostly pale. I was face down for a good few days, but now I’m looking to borrow some of Popeye’s courage and find new ways to make some spinach. More on that below.


What Do You Call A Sheep Who Plays Tennis?



This was Halloween night, after the costume parade through town. The highlight of the parade was this duo:


Making Spinach

To offset the paper loss, we’re making merch. See the new designs in the store. We’re showcasing them every week on Facebook , Instagram and X. Some folks have asked if we wanted to do a Patreon account. We’re holding off for now, but will have an interesting arrangement to offer in February.

Puppy pants! The only time you want a dog on your leg.


Wrapping paper- Watch your real pets chew it off.


Redrawing Originals

I draw comics on my iPad now, but I’ll redraw them on paper just for you. It’s fun, and I can even customize it!


Archive Flashback

It was in a mega craft store and saw the mini Hannukah display tucked near the back. It reminded me of a toon I did 25 years ago, when I was only 3 years into drawing the strip.


Max, Take Out The Recycling! Good dog.

Next Newsletter Will Probably Come From Substack

It will still be free for you, and with Substack, it will now be free for me. So keep an eye out!

Thanks for reading! Take good care!
